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Use this form, to send custom order Inquiry or provide information on a firm order. After Filling the form, please verify all information is correct.** Especially whether you want us to add normal accepted loosening to the given measurement, or use exact given measurement.To get the best customization, provide as much information as possible. *** For missing information our tailor will use the standard measurement for a given size. Delivery time starts after availability of the desired color and any requested changes are confirmed, and any additional charges are paid or agreed to be paid before delivery.
Where To Measure
Body image-1
Body image-1
*** Neck Styles ***
neck style halter
horseshoe one-shoulder
pointed u neck rounded sweetheart
square string
sweetheart u-neck
v-neck envelope neck
choli neck style horse shoe style
choli neck style horse shoe style
choli neck style horse shoe style
Note:If the requested Neck depth is too shallow or too deep. Our tailor will attempt to keep the general desired shape
Located in East Bay - 27518 Tampa ave Hayward Ca